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Texans approve state water project funding

​AUSTIN – Voters Tuesday approved Proposition 6 to create the Texas Water Fund and authorize a $1 billion appropriation to upgrade Texas’ water infrastructure and fund new water supply projects. 

These funds, administered by the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB), may be used to develop innovative water supply projects that create new water sources in the state, transfer money to certain existing TWDB financial assistance programs, and fund a statewide water public awareness program.​

Of the $1 billion appropriated to the Texas Water Fund, the TWDB must allocate at least $250 million to the New Water Supply for Texas Fund. This new fund is designed to implement innovative water supply strategies, such as marine and brackish water desalination, oil and gas produced water treatment projects, and aquifer storage and recovery projects. Through this fund, the TWDB is directed to finance projects that will lead to seven million acre-feet of new water supplies by Dec. 31, 2033.

A portion of the fund must also prioritize water infrastructure projects in rural areas with populations of less than 150,000 as well as water conservation strategies and water loss mitigation projects.​


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