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SA using $1.2 billion to spruce up parks, libraries, cultural centers

SAN ANTONIO – Last year, the city approved a $1.2 billion bond program. Here is where that money is going.

The bond puts almost $272 million into building and bolstering the city’s parks. Most districts are receiving portions of the bond money for park improvements or the construction of new facilities.

Money is going to a number of libraries and cultural centers for renovations and improvements:

  • Carver Branch Library, $12.5 million;
  • Ella Austin Community Center, $11.5 million;
  • Tower of Americas, $10 million;
  • Central Library, $6 million;
  • City-owned Cultural Facilities, $6 million;
  • Las Palmas Branch Library, $5.25 million;
  • World Heritage Center; $3.5 million; and
  • Magik Theater, $2.75 million.

Additionally, more than $78 million will go toward public safety facilities, and $17 million will help expand and improve veterinary facilities. New fire and police stations will also be built.


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