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California-to-Texas migration intensifies as movers seek friendlier housing market

TEXAS – Not only is California-to-Texas migration not slowing, but the route is getting more crowded, according to a new StorageCafe study. 

Overall, 111,000 people—or 300 a day—exchanged the sunny California skies for Texas ones in 2021, the peak period of the last decade and an 80 percent increase over 2012. 

This route is obviously not a one-way street, but Texans tend to move to California in much smaller numbers. In 2021, a total of 33,000 Lone Star residents made California their home. Austin is the preferred destination of the new Texans. StorageCafe analyzed the impact on Greater Austin and found:

  • More than 16,000 Californians relocated to Williamson and Travis Counties in 2021 alone. Travis County is by far the most preferred relocation dest​​​ination among the state’s top 25 routes for Californians. Los Angeles County was the “main supplier” of new residents, followed by Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties.

  • One of the big reasons folks are fleeing the Golden State is to get more for their housing dollar. A typical home in Travis and Williamson Cou​​nties is 69 percent cheaper than in notoriously expensive L.A. County, resulting in a list price gap of $359,000.

  • The most profitable move when thinking to buy a home is trading Redwood City for Austin. There is a 243 percent difference​​ between home prices in San Mateo County vs. Travis County, which can result in average savings of more than $1.2 million.

  • Renters pay over 50 percent more in California than in Greater Au​​​stin destinations.

  • In terms of living space, switching from Santa Clara County to William​​son County generates the biggest gain, an extra 386 sf for homeowners and 79 sf for renters.

  • On average, ​​homeowners enjoy 17 percent bigger homes in Texas than in California, whereas apartments are 6 percent larger.


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