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I always feel like sombeody’s watching me…

watchingIt doesn’t matter if you are a BUYER, a SELLER, or a Realtor® — what you post on social media can and will be used against you in the course of a real estate transaction — and beyond!

Remember how elated you were when you sat on market and eventually received your first offer? Remember when you posted about your success online with the words “FINALLY got a bite on our property!”  — and all of your friends all congratulated you on your long-overdue success?

Remember how excited you were to find the Seller accepted your offer and that you had finally found the “house of your dreams” — the one you “couldn’t live without”?

Remember how, as an agent, you made a derogatory comment about a “difficult client”? Or shared (in a moment of weakness) your fear of making it in the industry due to a dry spell? Or worse, when you shared that political, viral, or totally base YouTube video that instantly clouded your name in controversy or negativity? Or that questionable picture you were tagged in at that “networking event” gone wild?

Jeepers Creepers! No matter what your privacy settings are on Facebook, Google+, Instagram, Twitter, etc…, realize that the information you share online can be seen by individuals you don’t intentionally designate. Friends, friends of friends, picture hosting / sharing services — these avenues will RAT YOU OUT to another party who is diligent enough to research the information.Guard your actions, your position AND your reputation CAREFULLY. Think twice about what you share via social media channels.

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